Enrolment Form for Recorder Orchestra Weekend 2026
Telephone Number:
Email Address:
Your name as you would like it to appear on your name badge:
Please indicate the type of accommodation you would prefer:
Single occupancy with en-suite: TBC
Single occupancy no en-suite: TBC
Sharing a room with en-suite: TBC
Sharing a room no en-suite: TBC
Single occupancy en-suite garden cabin: TBC
Sharing en-suite garden cabin: TBC
Non-residential: TBC for the weekend
If you have any special dietary or accommodation needs, please give details (for example, vegetarian or requiring a ground floor bedroom):
Please give your preference of instruments for the orchestral sessions. You must list at least two recorders so not, for example, Treble 1 as one choice and Treble 2 as the other. All recorders from Sopranino to Contra Bass are required:
First Choice: Second Choice:
Which recorders will you be bringing to the course? Please tick the relevant ones.
Sopranino, descant, treble, tenor, bass, great bass, contra, sub great
Please send your completed enrolment form and your course fee* to:
Jan Epps, 35 Furzehatt Rd Plymstock, Plymouth, PL9 8QX or by email to jan.epps57@gmail.com
* Your course fee should be paid by a cheque made payable to Recorder@Plymouth
Or BACS to Cooperative bank account name recorder@plymouth sort code 08 92 99 account number 65215254 with your name as the reference, you need to select business account and sometimes just 'Recorder Plymouth' is required for account name.
The closing date for receipt of enrolments is 1st December 2025
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